Lawn-Care Calendar for Southern California

Note: Because of this region's climate conditions, a lawn is probably not the most budget-friendly or environmentally responsible choice. Check with your county's cooperative extension service to find out if a lawn makes sense in your area.
Stop summer weeds: Don't let annual weeds crowd out your lawn this year. Use a pre-emergence herbicide to stop them from growing. Spread the pre-emergence product from mid-February to early March for best results.
Begin mowing: Start mowing your lawn as it begins to grow in late spring.
Don't let thatch build up: Thatch—a layer of old, dead grass stems—can stop air and water from getting to your lawn's root system. Remove the thatch before grass starts growing in summer.
Fertilize your lawn: Warm-season lawns do best when temperatures are more than 80°F. Start feeding when the weather warms in late April or early May. Feed according to the fertilizer package instructions throughout the summer.
Get rid of grubs: If grubs have been a problem in your neighborhood, use a long-acting grub killer to stop them in early May.
Start a new lawn: Use seed, sprigs, or plugs to start lawns in the summer. Remember that grasses need plenty of water as they become established; never allow a new lawn to dry out.
Keep mowing: You'll probably need to mow regularly in summer. Avoid removing more than a third of the leaf's total blade length at one time: This can stress your lawn.
Aerate hard soil: If your soil is hard and compacted, aerate it in summer to allow air, moisture, and nutrients to reach your lawn's roots more easily.
Water sensibly: Most lawns need regular watering during the summer to keep them green. On average, you'll need to provide about 1 inch of water per week
There's still more mowing: Keep mowing your lawn as it slows down during the fall season.
Overseed with annual ryegrass: Bermuda grass goes dormant and turns brown in the winter months, so you can overseed it with annual ryegrass. The ryegrass grows and stays green during the cooler months, then dies out once it gets hot— just as your Bermuda grass starts turning green again.
Prevent winter weeds: Stop pesky winter weeds just like you do their summer counterparts: Apply a pre-emergence herbicide from mid-October to mid-November.