Complementary Flower Combos in Purple and Yellow
On the color wheel, purple and yellow are opposites, which makes them complementary. Our combinations of blooms for your garden add a colorful punch.
On the color wheel, purple and yellow are opposites, which makes them complementary. Our combinations of blooms for your garden add a colorful punch.
A California family's meadow garden supports pollinators where their front lawn used to be.
Evaluate your landscape in winter to see what's working and what's not. Ensure you have plants that look good in each mini season of winter. Choose plants with year-round interest. Place plants strategically to be most visible from windows or paths and to block drab wintertime views. Include plants to attract and feed birds in winter.
Enjoy your yard without too much work by using our 17 low-maintenance cottage garden ideas for the prettiest flowers. They're colorful and easy care!
Get out your binoculars and get ready to watch some wildlife. Plant an appealing container garden that rewards hummingbirds and other pollinators with a sweet nectar feast.
Bird experts share their best tips on how to attract goldfinches to your garden. Plus, find out the right types of feeders, seeds, plants, water sources, and nesting materials to provide.
If you're a fan of bird-watching, check out our list of berry plants for birds to see them come and go all season.
Put old-fashioned color favorites — pink and purple — to work in your flowerbeds with these new-style garden compositions.
Protect your homegrown produce and learn how to make an arbor made with PVC pipes. This easy project is much less expensive than store-bought options!
This DIY pond box is a mini ecosystem that brings the pleasure of a water garden to your deck.
From groundcovers to shrubs and small trees, these top-notch rooftop plants thrive despite tough growing conditions such as high winds found at higher elevations.
The flowering English cottage garden might be the trending landscaping option your yard has been missing. Read expert takes on the English cottage garden trend.
These budget small garden ideas will help you affordably create a gorgeous outdoor space.
A well-placed bench can make a world of difference in your garden.
Are woodpeckers pecking your siding? Learn why they’re making a racket and more importantly, how to get them to stop.
White flowers add a tranquil touch to any garden, easily combine with boldly colored plants, and look timeless in all-white floral landscaping.
Learn how to create a vibrant border garden that will compliment your landscape and provide visual appeal of completeness.
Birdhouses help provide shelter to wild birds, especially when carefully chosen and placed. Here’s what you need to know about how to attract birds to a birdhouse.
Topiaries give a garden a classic look, and show off meticulous pruning skill. Take a colorful coleus to new heights with a simple trimming and staking technique to make this DIY topiary.
Follow these tips on safety precautions, creating habitat, the best bird food types, and feeder location to keep birds fed and protected in the winter.