How to Make an Adorable Broken Pot Fairy Garden in 4 Easy Steps

- Working Time: 1 hour
- Total Time: 1 hour
- Skill Level: Kid-friendly
Transform a broken clay pot into something stunningly impressive with this fairy garden idea. We stuffed our broken pot garden with colorful succulents, moss, and a wishing well—but you can customize your potted fairy garden to fit your personal style. Here's how to make this fairy garden out of a broken pot.
Safety Tip: If you are planning on breaking a pot for this project, first fill the inside of the pot with cardboard or foam. Carefully use a hammer to break the pot into separate pieces, keeping the back wall of the pot intact. Be cautious of sharp edges.
What You'll Need
Equipment / Tools
- Hand trowel
- Hammer
- Broken terra-cotta pot
- Silicone adhesive or sculpting clay
- Potting soil
- Cardboard
- Small plants or succulents
- Moss
Arrange Pieces
To start your potted fairy garden, arrange pieces of the broken pot to make different levels of the fairy garden. Use a clear silicone adhesive or sculpting clay to hold pieces of the fairy garden pot in place. Let dry.
Fill with Soil
Fill the crevices with potting soil. Pat the soil down and lightly water every few inches to secure in place.
Make Steps
To create steps for your flower pot fairy house, you'll simply break terra-cotta pieces with a hammer to make smaller pieces. Before you start hammering, place cardboard underneath the terra-cotta pieces to protect your work surface. Arrange the small terra-cotta pieces on the soil leading to the top of the pot.
Add Plants and Accessories
Plant succulents (or other small plants of your choice) and add accents to the broken pot fairy garden. Fill in empty spots with moss to cover the soil. Add in miniature accessories to create your desired look.
Editor's Tip: When selecting plants for your mini fairy garden, look for plants with similar care needs.